Artwork for bags requirements
Artwork needs to be supplied to us in a suitable
format for printing
An image or graphic might look great on your phone or computer but when
printed on a large bag won’t look so good.
At the BagWorkshop we take immense pride in our work and want to ensure you have the best printed bag possible. For this reason we need artwork supplied in an EPS format.
If you work with a graphic designer they will easily be able to supply this to you, in either EPS or PDF file format.
- We will always review artwork prior to printing and will supply you with a photo proof prior to production.
- If you have only simple artwork requirements we will always be happy to oblige and re-format into a print ready format.
- Simple text logo in jpg. or word format – this is pretty straightforward and we will prepare for FREE. Jpg. or photo of simple logo – this would usually take an hour of art-working.
- Complex drawn design to transfer to digital print-ready format – would suggest two hours required for this.
Artwork requirements for photo printed bags
For photo reproduction on bags, the image should be of a suitable resolution and quality to ensure good print reproduction. We will be able to advise you of this. If we have concerns as to the reproduction of a supplied image we would recommend providing a full preproduction sample. There is an additional charge of £30 for this but ensures that you are fully happy with print prior to full production.Reusable bags are becoming an industry standard compared to single-use plastic and paper bags. Sustainable choices are more value to customers and retailers encouraging them.

Embroidery and digitalisation
When it comes to embroidering, we need to transfer your imagery, logo or text into a file that our embroidery machines can understand. This process when creating artwork for bags is called digitalisation and involves an element of work our end to ensure that the “stitches” end up with a good rendition of your imagery.
If you would like to see the output of embroidery prior to full production, please let us know and we’ll embroider a swatch of material and mail out to you before we start full production.
Print Sizes
Details of print sizes are found within the specification tab of each bag.
This will often vary from bag to bag, as well as material types. You can down load our templates direct from this link printed bag templates.
When it comes to our range of Bespoke Promotional Bags, there are no such limitations, and we will often print the bags prior to sewing them up, really anything is possible.

Artwork Services
If you have a design or idea for your bag, we can help you turn this into a print ready file. We will supply this to you in an EPS and PDF format so you can use for other printing requirements and also tweak or change your design in the future.
Artwork services are charged on an hourly basis at £30 per hour.
We will supply you files in a number of formats, such as EPS, PDF, JPEG and TIFF for you to use as you wish.
What is an EPS file?
An EPS file is used by graphic designers and printers and in simple terms allows a common language to be used for graphics. The benefit of an EPS file with artwork for bags, is that it can be resized without loss of resolution from the size of a stamp to the size of a house.
According to Wikipedia it is: An EPS file is a stream of generic PostScript printing commands. Thus many PostScript printer drivers have an option to save as EPS, or to add EPS DSC information to their output which you can “print to file”. Saving as EPS was a feature of Microsoft’s PSCRIPT.DRV Windows printer driver and Adobe’s ADOBEPS.DRV Windows printer driver for Windows versions prior to Windows 2000.
A number of programs will save or convert text and vector art to EPS format, including:

- Adobe Acrobat
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe In Design
- Adobe Photoshop (later versions)
- CorelDRAW
- Cytoscape
- FlexiSign
- Ghostscript
- GIMP (requires Ghostscript)
- GNU Octave
- ImageMagick (requires Ghostscript)
- Inkscape
- InPage
- LibreOffice Draw
- Macromedia Freehand
- Maple
- Mathematica
- MathType
- Matlab
- OmniGraffle
- OpenOffice.org Draw
- PhotoImpact X3
- QuarkXPress
- R (programming language)
- Scribus
- Swift Publisher
- Xara
- Xfig